Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No Mac

As it turns out, my electrical converter/adapter/whateritis doesn't work for my laptop computer. Printed in large capital block letters are the words NOT TO BE USED FOR LAPTOPS, or something to the same effect. Immediately I picture collumns of of smoke billowing out the sides of my Mac...not good. So, as of now, I am effectively computerless when I am not at CAPA (where I am right now). Thus, this update will be rather brief and to the point, as well those that follow until my new power charger (British power charger) comes in, which I hope is soon. So far I have explored some of London's museum--the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Natural History Museum--and have explored some its other sites such as Piccadilly Circus and Harrods. Everyday is a bit overwhelming with everything to see and do and only a few short hours of daylight (it gets dark at 4:30).

Today was my interview for my internship with the trade magazine, Retail Jeweller. It wasn't really an interview since I already have the job (nonpaying, that is), so it is much more informal than I was expecting. The office is quite impressive. I am greeted at the door by two very large and very impossing black cats. The large building is a wonderful example of art decco, and the inside is very modern and professional. There are many different magazines all located in the Greater London House. I have no idea what to expect, so I will keep you posted as I stumble my way along this new experience (I know NOTHING about jewellry).

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